MIT.nano & MTL Member Registration - Basic Info

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Fab.nano - MIT.nano Fabrication Laboratories

MIT.nano Fabrication has advanced cleanroom facilities with capabilities ranging from lithography, etching, and deposition to diffusion, wet processing, and packaging as well as the B24 Electron-Beam Lithography (EBL) facility.
Characterization.nano - MIT.nano Materials and CryoEM Laboratories

MIT.nano Characterization has high-performance laboratories for precise nanoscale analyses and high-resolution imaging sensitive to vibrational and electro-magnetic interferences - includes the CryoEM and B13 (formerly MRL) facilities.
Hazards.nano - MIT.nano Special Hazards

Several tools and certain biological samples used within MIT.nano necessitate additional safety training. Select if you will be using X-ray, Class 3B Laser, or Cryogenics capabilities in MIT.nano or if you will be bringing human biological materials into the facility.
Immersion - MIT.nano Immersion Laboratories

MIT.nano Immersion is a state-of-the-art space with hardware and software for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) and the visualization of spatiality related data.
MTL - Microsystems Technology Laboratories

Microsystem Technology Laboratories offers access to a wide range of hardware and software tools for CAD design and simulation for the benefit of the entire MIT community, and also contains private research labs such as Palacios Lab